The firm's service include assistance and documentation in setting up of corporations, including the crafting of articles of incorporation and by-laws.

Certain industries, including but not limited to public transportation and telecommunications, are subject to federal laws, licensing, and regulations. For example, your corporation must adhere to the federal Securities Act of 1933, which governs the issue and sale of bonds, stocks, and other corporate securities.

Changing federal laws can make it challenging for corporate directors to keep up with these regulations. You must strive for awareness of new proposed laws and existing laws that affect your business to ensure that you remain in legal and commercial compliance. Steps to take include:

Categories of Corporate Law

  • > Business formation laws, which establish the steps to form a corporation, partnership, or LLC.
  • > Consumer protection laws that prevent fraud and the sale of misleading or faulty products or services.
  • > Contract laws that govern legal agreements with other businesses, suppliers, and your clients.
  • > Employment and hiring laws that protect current and potential employees, make it illegal to discriminate based on sex, religion, and race, and regulate employee safety and health.

Corporate Structure

Functional Structure

Under this structure, employees are grouped into the same departments based on similarity in their skill sets, tasks, and accountabilities. This allows for effective communications between people within a department and thus leads to an efficient decision-making process.

Divisional Structure

This structure organizes business activities into specific market, product, service, or customer groups. The purpose of the divisional structure is to create work teams that can produce similar products matching the needs of individual groups.

Matrix Structure

Matrix Structure is a combination of functional and divisional structures. This structure allows decentralized decision making, greater autonomy, more inter-departmental interactions, and thus greater productivity and innovation.

Hybrid Structure

Like the Matrix Structure, the Hybrid Structure combines both functional and divisional structure. Instead of grid organization, Hybrid Structure divides its activities into departments that can be either functional or divisional.

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